Laird Kelly
writing and research
Kansas Press Association Annual Meeting - Topeka
"Reverend Sheldon and his Christian Newspaper: The Topeka Daily Capital"
Old Prairie Town at Ward-Meade Historic Site - Topeka
"Reverend Sheldon and his Christian Newspaper: The Topeka Daily Capital"
Unitarian Church of All Souls, 1157 Lexington Ave, NY, NY
Reading: "Jesus Christ, editor-in-chief"
The Little Blue Books at 100: Haldeman-Julius’s Revolutionary
Publishing Venture
Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas
"Cosmopolitans from Kansas: Emanuel and Marcet in the Big Cities"
"Who Told Great Grandma (and Great Grandpa) About Sex"
Paper accepted for the Midwest Popular Culture Association
Annual Meeting, Loyola University, Chicago Oct 14-16, 2022